What is a Portugal D2 Visa?
The D2 Visa is a Portugal residency visa for entrepreneurs. To get one, an applicant must open a new company there or buy an already working business or its share.
No minimum investment threshold is defined for the D2 Visa. However, an applicant must prove to have funds to start and run their business. Also, housing and money to live in Portugal for a year are required.
The visa validity period is four months. At this time, an entrepreneur must enter Portugal and apply for a residence permit, which enables them to immigrate to Portugal, start a company and work there.

A Portugal residence permit after the D2 Visa is valid for two years, and then it can be renewed for three years. After five years of residency, one may apply for citizenship or permanent residence in Portugal.
An entrepreneur’s family members may immigrate to Portugal with a residence permit for family reunification. To retain residency, business people and their relatives must stay in Portugal for 6+ months each year.
Who is eligible for a Portugal D2 Visa?
An entrepreneur may apply for a D2 Visa if they fulfil one of the following conditions:
- buy a Portuguese company or a share in it;
- already have a company abroad and a plan to open its branch in Portugal;
- submit a comprehensive business plan for a new company in Portugal.
The business requirements are quite soft: an applicant can choose any sector, and there are no thresholds on profitability or the creation of jobs.
However, applicants must confirm that the businesses will be economically and socially beneficial for Portugal and that they have enough money for investment in their companies due to the business plans.
Other requirements for Portugal D2 Visa applicants include the following:
- age over 18 years;
- no criminal record;
- to have rented or owned housing in Portugal;
- to confirm they have money to live in Portugal for a year;
- to buy health insurance.
An entrepreneur’s spouse, the couple’s children and parents may apply for residence permits for family reunification. Adult children and parents must prove they depend on the D2 Visa holder to get residency. Also, the family has to confirm that they have housing and enough money to live in Portugal.